Module Env

module Env: sig .. end

Why3 Environments

These give access to the standard library and other libraries

Local type aliases

type fformat = string 
type filename = string 
type extension = string 
type pathname = string list 

Library environment

type env 
val env_tag : env -> Weakhtbl.tag
module Wenv: Weakhtbl.S  with type key = env
val create_env : filename list -> env

creates an environment from a "loadpath", a list of directories containing loadable Why3/WhyML/etc files

val get_loadpath : env -> filename list

returns the loadpath of a given environment

Input languages

type 'a language 
val base_language : Theory.theory Wstdlib.Mstr.t language

base_language is the root of the tree of supported languages. Any input language must be translatable into pure theories for the purposes of verification.

val register_language : 'a language -> ('b -> 'a) -> 'b language

register_language parent convert adds a leaf to the language tree. The convert function provides translation from the new language to parent.

val add_builtin : 'a language -> (pathname -> 'a) -> unit

add_builtin lang builtin adds new builtin libraries to lang. The builtin function is called by Env.read_library (below) for any library path that starts with "why3" (this prefix is not passed to builtin). For all library paths not covered by builtin it must raise Not_found.

By convention, every builtin theory of the base language is placed under a separate pathname that ends with the name of the theory. For example, the full qualified name of the Builtin theory is why3.Builtin.Builtin. The name of the theory is duplicated in the library path to ensure that every builtin theory is obtained from a separate call to builtin, which permits to generate builtin theories on demand.

If there are several definitions of a builtin library for a given language and path, they must be physically identical, otherwise Env.LibraryConflict is raised. For example, if an offspring language provides extended definitions of builtin theories, they must be convert'ed into exactly the same singleton theory Mstr.t maps as stored for the base language.

val base_language_builtin : pathname -> Theory.theory Wstdlib.Mstr.t

base_language_builtin path returns the builtin theories defined by the base language. Any offspring language that provides extended definitions of builtin theories must use these as the result of the conversion function.

type 'a format_parser = env -> pathname -> filename -> Stdlib.in_channel -> 'a 

(fn : 'a format_parser) env path file ch parses the in_channel ch and returns the language-specific contents of type 'a. References to libraries in the input file are resolved via env. If the parsed file is itself a library file, the argument path contains the fully qualified library path of the file, which can be put in the identifiers. The string argument file indicates the origin of the stream (file name) to be used in error messages.

exception KnownFormat of fformat
val register_format : desc:Pp.formatted ->
'a language ->
fformat -> extension list -> 'a format_parser -> unit

register_format ~desc lang fname exts parser registers a new format fname for files with extensions from the string list exts (without the separating dot). Any previous associations of extensions from exts to other formats are overridden.

val list_formats : 'a language -> (fformat * extension list * Pp.formatted) list

list_formats lang returns the list of registered formats that can be translated to lang. Use list_formats base_language to obtain the list of all registered formats.

val get_format : ?format:fformat -> string -> fformat

get_format ?format fname returns the format of the given file if None is given. Otherwise returns the given format.

Language-specific parsers

exception InvalidFormat of fformat
exception UnknownFormat of fformat
exception UnknownExtension of extension
exception UnspecifiedFormat
val read_channel : ?format:fformat ->
'a language -> env -> filename -> Stdlib.in_channel -> 'a

read_channel ?format lang env file ch returns the contents of ch in language lang. When given, format enforces the format, otherwise we choose the parser according to file's extension. Nothing ensures that ch corresponds to the contents of file.

val read_file : ?format:fformat ->
'a language -> env -> filename -> 'a * fformat

an open-close wrapper around read_channel

exception LibraryNotFound of pathname
exception LibraryConflict of pathname
exception AmbiguousPath of filename * filename
val read_library : 'a language -> env -> pathname -> 'a

read_library lang env path returns the contents of the library file specified by path. If path starts with "why3" then the builtin functions of the language are called on path. If path is empty, builtin are called on the empty path.

val locate_library : env -> pathname -> filename

locate_library env path returns the location of the library file specified by path.

This is a low-level function that allows to access a library file without parsing it. Do not use it without a good reason.

exception TheoryNotFound of pathname * string
val read_theory : env -> pathname -> string -> Theory.theory

read_theory env path th returns the theory from the library. If path is empty, it is assumed to be "why3".th, that is, read_theory env [] "Bool" will look for the builtin theory why3.Bool.Bool (see register_language).