Module Rc

module Rc: sig .. end

Configuration file management

type rc_value = 
| RCint of int
| RCbool of bool
| RCfloat of float
| RCstring of string * bool (*

escape eol

| RCident of string


exception ExtraParameters of string

ExtraParameters name is raised when a section named name has a parameter or when a family named name has more than one parameter.

exception MissingParameters of string

MissingParameters name is raised if a family named name has no parameters.

exception UnknownField of string

UnknownField key is raised when an unexpected field key appears in a section.

exception MissingField of string

MissingField key is raised if the field key is required but not given.

exception DuplicateSection of string

DuplicateSection name is raised if there are more than one section named name.

exception DuplicateField of string * rc_value * rc_value

DuplicateField key is raised if the field key appears more than once.

exception StringExpected of string * rc_value

StringExpected key value is raised if a string was expected.

exception IntExpected of string * rc_value

IntExpected key value is raised if an integer was expected.

exception BoolExpected of string * rc_value

BoolExpected key value is raised if a boolean was expected.

val warn_missing_field : Loc.warning_id


type t 

A parsed configuration file.

type section 

A section in a configuration file.

type family = (string * section) list 

A family of parameterized sections in a configuration file.

type simple_family = section list 

A family of sections without parameters.

val empty : t

An empty configuration.

val empty_section : section

An empty section.

val get_section : t -> string -> section option

get_section rc name

val get_family : t -> string -> family

get_family rc name returns all the sections of the family name in rc.

val get_simple_family : t -> string -> simple_family

get_simple_family rc name returns all the sections of the simple family name in rc.

val set_section : t -> string -> section -> t

set_section rc name section adds a section section with name name in rc. It overwrites any former section named name.

val set_family : t -> string -> family -> t

set_family rc name family adds all the sections in family using the associated string as argument of the family name in rc. It overwrites any former section of family name.

val set_simple_family : t -> string -> simple_family -> t

set_simple_family rc name family adds all the section in family using the associated string as argument of the family name in rc. It overwrites any former section of family name.

val get_float : ?default:float -> section -> string -> float
val set_float : ?default:float -> section -> string -> float -> section
val get_int : ?default:int -> section -> string -> int

get_int ?default section key returns the integer value associated to key key.

val get_into : section -> string -> int option

get_into section key returns the integer value associated to key key if present, and None if missing.

val get_intl : section -> string -> int list

get_intl section key returns all the integer values associated to key key.

val set_int : ?default:int -> section -> string -> int -> section

set_int ?default section key value associates value to key in the section, unless value is equal to default. It removes all the former associations to this key.

val set_intl : section -> string -> int list -> section

set_intl section key lvalue associates to key all the values of lvalue. It removes all the former associations to this key.

val set_into : section -> string -> int option -> section

set_int section key value associates value to key in the section if it is not None. It removes all the former associations to this key.

val get_bool : ?default:bool -> section -> string -> bool

Same as Rc.get_int but on bool.

val get_booll : section -> string -> bool list

Same as Rc.get_intl but on bool.

val get_boolo : section -> string -> bool option

Same as Rc.get_into but on bool.

val set_bool : ?default:bool -> section -> string -> bool -> section

Same as Rc.set_int but on bool.

val set_booll : section -> string -> bool list -> section

Same as Rc.set_intl but on bool.

val set_boolo : section -> string -> bool option -> section

Same as Rc.set_into but on bool.

val get_string : ?default:string -> section -> string -> string

Same as Rc.get_int but on string.

val get_stringl : section -> string -> string list

Same as Rc.get_intl but on string.

val get_stringo : section -> string -> string option

Same as Rc.get_into but on string.

val set_string : ?escape_eol:bool ->
?default:string -> section -> string -> string -> section

Same as Rc.set_int but on string. escape_eol indicates if special characters should be escaped.

val set_stringl : ?escape_eol:bool -> section -> string -> string list -> section

Same as Rc.set_intl but on string.

val set_stringo : ?escape_eol:bool -> section -> string -> string option -> section
val check_exhaustive : section -> Wstdlib.Sstr.t -> unit

check_exhaustive section keys checks that only the keys in keys appear inside the section section.

exception CannotOpen of string * string
exception SyntaxErrorFile of string * string
val from_channel : Stdlib.in_channel -> t

from_channel cin returns the Rc of the input channel cin.

val from_file : string -> t

from_file filename returns the Rc of the file filename.

val to_formatter : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

to_formatter fmt rc writes the Rc rc to the formatter fmt.

val to_channel : Stdlib.out_channel -> t -> unit

to_channel cout rc writes the Rc rc to the output channel out.

val to_file : string -> t -> unit

to_file filename rc writes the Rc rc to the file filename.