Module Strings

module Strings: sig .. end

Utility Functions on Character Strings

Wrappers for deprecated string functions of OCaml stdlib

val lowercase : string -> string
val uppercase : string -> string
val capitalize : string -> string
val uncapitalize : string -> string

Other useful functions on strings

val char_is_uppercase : char -> bool
val rev_split : char -> string -> string list
val split : char -> string -> string list

split c s splits s into substrings, taking as delimiter the character c, and returns the list of substrings. An occurrence of the delimiter at the beginning or at the end of the string is ignored.

val bounded_split : char -> string -> int -> string list

bounded_split c s n do the same as split c s but splits into n substring at most. The concatenation of returned substrings is equal to the string s.

val join : string -> string list -> string

join sep l joins all the strings in l together, in the same order, separating them by sep.

val pad_right : char -> string -> int -> string

Chop or pad the given string on the right up to the given length.

val has_prefix : string -> string -> bool

has_prefix pref s returns true if s starts with prefix pref.

val remove_prefix : string -> string -> string

remove_prefix pref s removes the prefix pref from s.

val has_suffix : string -> string -> bool

has_suffix suff s returns true if s ends with suffix suff.

val remove_suffix : string -> string -> string

remove_suffix suff s removes the suffix suff from s.

val ends_with : string -> string -> bool

Test if a string ends with another.