Module Whyconf

module Whyconf: sig .. end

Managing the configuration of Why3

General configuration

type config 

A configuration linked to an rc file. Whyconf gives access to every section of the rc file (Whyconf.User.get_section, Whyconf.User.set_section, Whyconf.User.get_family, Whyconf.User.set_family) but the section main and the family prover which are dealt by it (Whyconf.get_main, Whyconf.set_main, Whyconf.get_provers, Whyconf.set_provers)

exception ConfigFailure of string * string
exception DuplicateShortcut of string
val read_config : string option -> config

read_config conf_file :

val init_config : ?extra_config:string list -> string option -> config

init_config ?extra_config conf_file adds the automatically generated part of the configuration, and loads plugins

val read_config_rc : string option -> string * Rc.t

read_config_rc conf_file same rule than Whyconf.init_config but just returned the parsed Rc file

val add_extra_config : config -> string -> config

add_extra_config config filename merges the content of filename into config

val empty_rc : Rc.t
val save_config : config -> unit

save_config config save the configuration

val default_config : string -> config

default_config filename create a default configuration which is going to be saved in filename

val get_conf_file : config -> string

get_conf_file config get the rc file corresponding to this configuration

val rc_of_config : config -> Rc.t

Main section

type main 
val get_main : config -> main

get_main config get the main section stored in the Rc file

val set_main : config -> main -> config

set_main config main replace the main section by the given one

val set_stdlib : bool -> config -> config

Set if the standard library should be added to loadpath

val set_load_default_plugins : bool -> config -> config

Set if the plugins in the default path should be loaded

val libdir : main -> string
val set_libdir : main -> string -> main
val datadir : main -> string
val set_datadir : main -> string -> main
val loadpath : main -> string list
val set_loadpath : main -> string list -> main
val timelimit : main -> float
val memlimit : main -> int
val running_provers_max : main -> int
val set_limits : main -> float -> int -> int -> main
val stdlib_path : string Stdlib.ref
val default_editor : main -> string

Editor name used when no specific editor is known for a prover

val set_default_editor : main -> string -> main
val plugins : main -> string list
val pluginsdir : main -> string
val set_plugins : main -> string list -> main
val add_plugin : main -> string -> main
val load_plugins : main -> unit


Prover's identifier

type prover = {
   prover_name : string;
   prover_version : string;
   prover_altern : string;

record of necessary data for a given external prover

val print_prover : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> prover -> unit
val print_prover_parseable_format : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> prover -> unit
val prover_parseable_format : prover -> string

Printer for prover

module Prover: OrderedHashedType  with type t = prover
module Mprover: Extmap.S  with type key = prover
module Sprover: Extset.S  with module M = Mprover
module Hprover: Exthtbl.S  with type key = prover

Prover configuration

type config_prover = {
   prover : prover;
   command : string;
   command_steps : string option;
   driver : string option * string;
   in_place : bool;
   editor : string;
   interactive : bool;
   extra_options : string list;
   extra_drivers : (string * string list) list;
val get_complete_command : config_prover -> with_steps:bool -> string

add the extra_options to the command

val get_provers : config -> config_prover Mprover.t

get_provers config get the prover family stored in the Rc file. The keys are the unique ids of the prover (argument of the family)

val get_prover_config : config -> prover -> config_prover

get_prover_config config prover gets the prover config as stored in the config. Raise Not_found if the prover does not exists in the config.

val set_provers : config ->
?shortcuts:prover Wstdlib.Mstr.t ->
config_prover Mprover.t -> config

set_provers config provers replace all the family prover by the one given

val add_provers : config ->
config_prover Mprover.t ->
prover Wstdlib.Mstr.t -> config

add_provers config provers shortcuts augments the prover family of config by the one given in provers, and with the given shortcuts. In case a new prover has the same name, version and alternative of an old one, the old one is kept. Similarly, if a new shortcut is identical to an old one, the old one is kept.

val is_prover_known : config -> prover -> bool

test if a prover is detected

val get_prover_shortcuts : config -> prover Wstdlib.Mstr.t

return the prover shortcuts

val set_prover_shortcuts : config -> prover Wstdlib.Mstr.t -> config

set the prover shortcuts

type config_editor = {
   editor_name : string;
   editor_command : string;
   editor_options : string list;
module Meditor: Extmap.S  with type key = string
val set_editors : config -> config_editor Meditor.t -> config

replace the set of editors

val get_editors : config -> config_editor Meditor.t

returns the set of editors

val editor_by_id : config -> string -> config_editor

return the configuration of the editor if found, otherwise raise Not_found

val set_prover_editors : config -> string Mprover.t -> config
val get_prover_editors : config -> string Mprover.t
val get_prover_editor : config -> prover -> string

prover upgrade policy

type prover_upgrade_policy = 
| CPU_keep
| CPU_upgrade of prover
| CPU_duplicate of prover
| CPU_remove
val print_prover_upgrade_policy : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> prover_upgrade_policy -> unit
val set_prover_upgrade_policy : config ->
prover -> prover_upgrade_policy -> config

set_prover_upgrade c p cpu sets or updates the policy to follow if the prover p is absent from the system

val get_prover_upgrade_policy : config -> prover -> prover_upgrade_policy

get_prover_upgrade config returns a map providing the policy to follow for each absent prover (if it has already been decided by the user and thus stored in the config)

val get_policies : config -> prover_upgrade_policy Mprover.t
val set_policies : config ->
prover_upgrade_policy Mprover.t -> config


type config_strategy = {
   strategy_name : string;
   strategy_desc : string;
   strategy_code : string;
   strategy_shortcut : string;
val get_strategies : config -> config_strategy Wstdlib.Mstr.t
val add_strategy : config -> config_strategy -> config
type filter_prover 

filter prover

val mk_filter_prover : ?version:string -> ?altern:string -> string -> filter_prover
val print_filter_prover : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> filter_prover -> unit
val parse_filter_prover : string -> filter_prover

parse the string representing a filter_prover:

regexp must start with ^. Partial match will be used.

val filter_prover_with_shortcut : config -> filter_prover -> filter_prover

resolve prover shortcut in filter

val filter_prover : filter_prover -> prover -> bool

test if the prover match the filter prover

val filter_provers : config ->
filter_prover -> config_prover Mprover.t

Get all the provers that match this filter

exception ProverNotFound of config * filter_prover
exception ProverAmbiguity of config * filter_prover
* config_prover Mprover.t
exception ParseFilterProver of string
val filter_one_prover : config -> filter_prover -> config_prover

find the unique prover that verifies the filter. If it doesn't exist, raise ProverNotFound or ProverAmbiguity

val why3_regexp_of_string : string -> Re.Str.regexp

For accessing and modifying the user configuration

module User: sig .. end
module Args: sig .. end
val unknown_to_known_provers : config_prover Mprover.t ->
prover ->
prover list * prover list * prover list

return others, same name, same version