.. _chap.starting: Getting Started =============== Hello Proofs ------------ The first step in using Why3 is to write a suitable input file. When one wants to learn a programming language, one starts by writing a basic program. Here is our first Why3 file, which is the file :file:`examples/logic/hello_proof.why` of the distribution. It contains a small set of goals. .. literalinclude:: ../examples/logic/hello_proof.why :language: whyml Any declaration must occur inside a theory, which is in that example called ``HelloProof``. It contains three goals named ``G1``, ``G2``, ``G3``. The first two are basic propositional goals, whereas the third involves some integer arithmetic, and thus it requires to import the theory of integer arithmetic from the Why3 standard library, which is done by the ``use`` declaration above. We don’t give more details here about the syntax and refer to :numref:`chap.whyml` for detailed explanations. In the following, we show how this file is handled in the Why3 GUI (:numref:`sec.gui`) then in batch mode using the :program:`why3` executable (:numref:`sec.batch`). But before running any Why3 command, you should proceed with the automated detection of external provers (see also :numref:`sec.provers`). This is done by running the :why3:tool:`config` tool on the command line, as follows: :: why3 config .. %EXECUTE rm -rf doc/hello_proof/ .. %EXECUTE cp examples/logic/hello_proof.why doc/ .. _sec.gui: Getting Started with the GUI ---------------------------- The graphical interface makes it possible to browse into a file or a set of files, and check the validity of goals with external provers, in a friendly way. This section presents the basic use of this GUI. Please refer to :numref:`sec.ideref` for a more complete description. .. %EXECUTE bin/why3 ide --batch="wait 1;snap doc/images/gui-1.png" doc/hello_proof.why .. _fig.gui1: .. figure:: images/gui-1.png :alt: The GUI when started the very first time. The GUI when started the very first time. The GUI is launched on the file above as follows: :: why3 ide hello_proof.why When the GUI is started for the first time, you should get a window that looks like the screenshot of :numref:`fig.gui1`. The left part is a tree view that makes it possible to browse inside the files and their theories. The tree view shows that the example is made of a single file containing a single theory containing three goals. The top-right pane displays the content of this file. Now click on the row corresponding to goal ``G1``, and then click on the “Task” tab of the top-right pane, so that it displays the corresponding *task*, as show on :numref:`fig.gui2`. .. %EXECUTE bin/why3 ide --batch="type next;view task;snap -crop 1024x384+0+0 doc/images/gui-2.png" doc/hello_proof.why .. _fig.gui2: .. figure:: images/gui-2.png :alt: The GUI with goal ``G1`` selected. The GUI with goal ``G1`` selected. Calling provers on goals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You are now ready to call provers on the goals. (If not done yet, you must perform prover autodetection using :why3:tool:`why3 config`.) A prover is selected using the context menu (right-click). This prover is then called on the goal selected in the tree view. You can select several goals at a time, either by using multi-selection (typically by clicking while pressing the :kbd:`Shift` or :kbd:`Control` key) or by selecting the parent theory or the parent file. Let us now select the theory “HelloProof” and run the Alt-Ergo prover. After a short time, you should get the display of :numref:`fig.gui3`. .. %EXECUTE bin/why3 ide --batch="type alt-ergo;view source;wait 3;type next;snap -crop 1024x384+0+0 doc/images/gui-3.png" doc/hello_proof.why .. _fig.gui3: .. figure:: images/gui-3.png :alt: The GUI after running the Alt-Ergo prover on each goal. The GUI after running the Alt-Ergo prover on each goal. Goals ``G1`` and ``G3`` are now marked with a green “checked” icon in the status column. This means that these goals have been proved by Alt-Ergo. On the contrary, goal ``G2`` is not proved; it remains marked with a question mark. You could attempt to prove ``G2`` using another prover, though it is obvious here it will not succeed. Applying transformations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Instead of calling a prover on a goal, you can apply a transformation to it. Since ``G2`` is a conjunction, a possibility is to split it into subgoals. You can do that by selecting :guilabel:`Split VC` in the context menu. Now you have two subgoals, and you can try again a prover on them, for example Alt-Ergo. We already have a lot of goals and proof attempts, so it is a good idea to close the sub-trees which are already proved. This can be done by the menu :menuselection:`View --> Collapse proved goals`, or even better by its shortcut :kbd:`!`. You should now see what is displayed on :numref:`fig.gui4`. .. %EXECUTE bin/why3 ide --batch="type alt-ergo;wait 3;type next;type split_vc;wait 1;type up;type alt-ergo;wait 3;type next;snap -crop 1024x384+0+0 doc/images/gui-4.png;save;wait 1" doc/hello_proof.why .. _fig.gui4: .. figure:: images/gui-4.png :alt: The GUI after splitting goal ``G2``. The GUI after splitting goal ``G2``. The first part of goal ``G2`` is still unproved. As a last resort, you can try to call the Coq proof assistant, by selecting it in the context menu. A new sub-row appear for Coq, and the Coq proof editor is launched. (It is ``coqide`` by default; see :numref:`sec.ideref` for details on how to configure this). You get now a regular Coq file to fill in, as shown on :numref:`fig.coqide`. Please be mindful of the comments of this file. They indicate where Why3 expects you to fill the blanks. Note that the comments themselves should not be removed, as they are needed to properly regenerate the file when the goal is changed. See :numref:`sec.coq` for more details. .. %EXECUTE bin/why3 ide --batch="type next;type coq;wait 1;save;wait 1" doc/hello_proof.why .. _fig.coqide: .. figure:: images/coqide.png :alt: CoqIDE on subgoal 1 of ``G2``. CoqIDE on subgoal 1 of ``G2``. Of course, in that particular case, the goal cannot be proved since it is not valid. The only thing to do is to fix the input file, as explained below. Modifying the input ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can edit the source file, using the corresponding tab in the top-right pane of the GUI. Change the goal ``G2`` by replacing the first occurrence of ``true`` by ``false``, e.g., .. code-block:: whyml goal G2 : (false -> false) /\ (true \/ false) You can refresh the goals using menu :menuselection:`File --> Save all and Refresh session`, or the shortcut :kbd:`Control-r`. You get the tree view shown on :numref:`fig.gui5`. .. %EXECUTE sed -i -e 's/true -> false/false -> false/' doc/hello_proof.why .. %EXECUTE bin/why3 ide --batch="type next;type expand;snap -crop 1024x384+0+0 doc/images/gui-5.png" doc/hello_proof.why .. _fig.gui5: .. figure:: images/gui-5.png :alt: File reloaded after modifying goal ``G2``. File reloaded after modifying goal ``G2``. The important feature to notice first is that all the previous proof attempts and transformations were saved in a database — an XML file created when the Why3 file was opened in the GUI for the first time. Then, for all the goals that remain unchanged, the previous proofs are shown again. For the parts that changed, the previous proofs attempts are shown but marked with “(:index:`obsolete`)” so that you know the results are not accurate. You can now retry to prove all the goals not yet proved using any prover. Replaying obsolete proofs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Instead of pushing a prover's button to rerun its proofs, you can *replay* the existing but obsolete proof attempts, using menu :menuselection:`Tools --> Replay valid obsolete proofs`. Notice that replaying can be done in batch mode, using the :why3:tool:`why3 replay` command (see :numref:`sec.why3replay`) For example, running the replayer on the ``hello_proof`` example is as follows (assuming ``G2`` still is ``(true -> false) /\ (true \/ false)``). .. code-block:: console $ why3 replay hello_proof 2/3 (replay OK) +--file ../hello_proof.why: 2/3 +--theory HelloProof: 2/3 +--goal G2 not proved The last line tells us that no differences were detected between the current run and the run stored in the XML file. The tree above reminds us that ``G2`` is not proved. Cleaning ~~~~~~~~ You may want to clean some of the proof attempts, e.g., removing the unsuccessful ones when a project is finally fully proved. A proof or a transformation can be removed by selecting it and using menu :menuselection:`Tools --> Remove node` or the :kbd:`Delete` key. Menu :menuselection:`Tools --> Clean node` or shortcut :kbd:`C` perform an automatic removal of all proofs attempts that are unsuccessful, while there exists a successful proof attempt for the same goal. Beware that there is no way to undo such a removal. .. _sec.batch: Getting Started with the Why3 Command ------------------------------------- The :why3:tool:`why3 prove` command makes it possible to check the validity of goals with external provers, in batch mode. This section presents the basic use of this tool. Refer to :numref:`sec.why3prove` for a more complete description of this tool and all its command-line options. This prints some information messages on what detections are attempted. To know which provers have been successfully detected, you can do as follows. .. code-block:: console $ why3 config list-provers Alt-Ergo 1.30 CVC4 1.5 Coq 8.6 The first word of each line is a unique identifier for the associated prover. We thus have now the three provers Alt-Ergo :cite:`ergo`, CVC4 :cite:`barrett11cade`, and Coq :cite:`CoqArt`. Let us assume that we want to run Alt-Ergo on the HelloProof example. The command to type and its output are as follows, where the :option:`why3 prove -P` option is followed by the unique prover identifier (as shown by :why3:tool:`why3 config list-provers`). .. code-block:: console $ why3 prove -P Alt-Ergo hello_proof.why hello_proof.why HelloProof G1: Valid (0.00s, 1 steps) hello_proof.why HelloProof G2: Unknown (other) (0.01s) hello_proof.why HelloProof G3: Valid (0.00s, 1 steps) Unlike the Why3 GUI, the command-line tool does not save the proof attempts or applied transformations in a database. We can also specify which goal or goals to prove. This is done by giving first a theory identifier, then goal identifier(s). Here is the way to call Alt-Ergo on goals ``G2`` and ``G3``. .. code-block:: console $ why3 prove -P Alt-Ergo hello_proof.why -T HelloProof -G G2 -G G3 hello_proof.why HelloProof G2 : Unknown: Unknown (0.01s) hello_proof.why HelloProof G3 : Valid (0.01s) Finally, a transformation to apply to goals before proving them can be specified. To know the unique identifier associated to a transformation, do as follows. .. code-block:: console $ why3 show transformations Known non-splitting transformations: [...] Known splitting transformations: [...] split_goal_right Here is how you can split the goal ``G2`` before calling Simplify on the resulting subgoals. .. code-block:: console $ why3 prove -P Alt-Ergo hello_proof.why -a split_goal_right -T HelloProof -G G2 hello_proof.why HelloProof G2: Unknown (other) (0.01s) hello_proof.why HelloProof G2: Valid (0.00s, 1 steps) :numref:`sec.transformations` gives the description of the various transformations available. .. %EXECUTE rm -r doc/hello_proof.why doc/hello_proof/