Module Whyconf.User

module User: sig .. end

val update_section : Rc.t -> string -> (Rc.section -> Rc.section) -> Rc.t
val set_prover_editor : Whyconf.config -> Whyconf.Mprover.key -> string -> Whyconf.config
val set_default_editor : Whyconf.config -> string -> Whyconf.config
val set_limits : time:float -> mem:int -> j:int -> Whyconf.config -> Whyconf.config
val set_prover_upgrade_policy : Whyconf.config ->
Whyconf.Mprover.key -> Whyconf.prover_upgrade_policy -> Whyconf.config
val remove_user_policy : Whyconf.config -> Whyconf.Mprover.key -> Whyconf.config
val get_section : Whyconf.config -> string -> Rc.section option

get_section config name Same as Rc.get_section except name must not be "main"

val get_simple_family : Whyconf.config -> string -> Rc.section list

get_family config name Same as Rc.get_simple_family except name must not be prover

val get_family : Whyconf.config -> string ->

get_family config name Same as Rc.get_family except name must not be prover

val set_section : Whyconf.config -> string -> Rc.section -> Whyconf.config

set_section config name Same as Rc.set_section except name must not be "main"

val set_simple_family : Whyconf.config -> string -> Rc.section list -> Whyconf.config

set_simple_family config name Same as Rc.set_simple_family except name must not be prover

val set_family : Whyconf.config -> string -> -> Whyconf.config

set_family config name Same as Rc.set_family except name must not be prover