Module Wstdlib

module Wstdlib: sig .. end

Specific instances of Set, Map, Hashtbl on int, string, float, and tagged types

module Mint: Extmap.S  with type key = int
module Sint: Extset.S  with module M = Mint
module Hint: Exthtbl.S  with type key = int
module Mstr: Extmap.S  with type key = string
module Sstr: Extset.S  with module M = Mstr
module Hstr: Exthtbl.S  with type key = string
module Mfloat: Extmap.S  with type key = float
module Sfloat: Extset.S  with module M = Mfloat
module Hfloat: Exthtbl.S  with type key = float
module type TaggedType = sig .. end
module type OrderedHashedType = sig .. end
module OrderedHashed: 
functor (X : TaggedType) -> OrderedHashedType with type t = X.t
module OrderedHashedList: 
functor (X : TaggedType) -> OrderedHashedType with type t = X.t list
module MakeMSH: 
functor (X : TaggedType) -> sig .. end
module MakeMSHW: 
functor (X : Weakhtbl.Weakey) -> sig .. end
module Int: OrderedHashedType  with type t = int